Friday, July 17, 2009

July is National Hot Dog Month!

The EtsyBloggers tell me that July is National Hot Dog Month. Well, in my house, every day is national hot dog day! My son is OBSESSED with hot dogs. I am pretty sure that he could eat a hot dog for every meal every day and be perfectly happy. Since he's so incredibly in love with hot dogs, I've started buying turkey dogs, less fat, less sodium, less nastiness. I found a decent brand in ShopRite and its often on sale - its called Kunzler. 8 dogs in a resealable package. Can't go wrong with that!

"I love you hot dog"

Long Live The Mighty Hot Dog!

1 comment:

storybeader said...

it's so amazing how little kids are fascinated with eating hotdogs. Maybe it's because they're easy to hold? I don't have children, but do boys like hotdogs more than girls? humm lol {:-D