Monday, March 7, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training!

Hello blog land! Its been quite a while since I posted something here and I feel terrible. Life has really gotten hectic! This weekend we started the wonderful process of hardcore potty training. That's right, after over a year of waiting for him to decide on his own to do it, I put my foot down and got the ball rolling. It wasn't pretty... 7 accidents, lots of threats, I even started taking toys away. We've had some success, but the little man decided that he wants to sit on the potty every ten minutes! Yes, every ten minutes... we went 7 times this morning before I dropped him off at daycare and I say we because he makes me sit in there with him. I'm going to need to get up half an hour earlier tomorrow!

Now, onto some crafty news! Saint Patrick's Day is almost here, so I decided to offer free shipping (US Only) on this cute shamrock necklace from now until midnight on St. Patrick's Day. Order soon to be sure you'll get it in time for the big day!

I'll need the luck of the Irish to get me through potty training!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Twitter Hop Thursday

Welcome to Twitter Hop Thursday, hosted by Simply Stacie, The King’s Court IV, Little Yaya’s, Kelly's Lucky You and Dear Crissy.

Would you like more Twitter followers and be introduced to more neat blogs and businesses out there? Come and join us!!
1. Add your Twitter to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all).
2. Click on the Twitter for the four hostesses and follow each of them on Twitter. We will follow you back.
3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like, but make sure to leave comments with links so they’ll know where to follow you!
Spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog! Write your own post or copy and paste this one. Below the MckLinky box, you’ll see “Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code”. Have fun Twitter-Hopping along!
We have selected a Twitterer of the Week from last week’s entries and the lucky winner is Coupons Equal Cash! They will be in the #6 spot! We will choose next week’s winner from everyone who participated today.
Please only add your Twitter url. All other entries will be deleted. Thank you!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shop 'Til You Drop - TODAY!

Its time to Shop 'Til you Drop! Stop by TODAY and say hello!

"Shop 'Til You Drop" Holiday Extravaganza!
Hosted by the St. Francis Youth Group
Sunday, November 28 · 10:30am - 3:00pm
St. Francis Lower Church
110 Mt. Vernon Street
Ridgefield Park, NJ

Check out the event page on Facebook to RSVP!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Green for the Holidays!

Red seems to get all the attention during this time of year, but green is just as important (I'm not talking about cash here, folks, I'm talking about the color green). This one of a kind beaded necklace would make a great holiday accessory plus, you can wear it again on St. Patrick's Day and during the spring too!

Don't forget the matching bracelet! Get 15% off when you buy both!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I want it - Lemongrass & Sage Soap

Look at this pretty lemongrass and sage soap by Sweet Sally's Soaps! The only thing better than a nice hot shower after a long day is a nice hot shower with pretty handmade soaps after a long day!!

PS: Check out Sweet Sally's Soaps on Twitter and Facebook!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Get ready to Shop 'Til You Drop!

Its time to start thinking about holiday shopping. And what better place to shop than a local craft fair?!? This will be my first and only show this season, so if you want to save cash on shipping, stop by and see my items in person. I will also be debuting a new product line! Curious? Well, you'll have to stop by and see what it is!

"Shop 'Til You Drop" Holiday Extravaganza!
Hosted by the St. Francis Youth Group
Sunday, November 28 · 10:30am - 3:00pm
St. Francis Lower Church
110 Mt. Vernon Street
Ridgefield Park, NJ

Check out the event page on Facebook to RSVP!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trim the Tree with Fish?

Looking for an adorable and unique Christmas decoration? Well, look no further! Holly the Holiday Jellyfish will look simply stunning hanging from your Christmas tree this year!

Holly is versatile though and would look great hanging from your car's rear view mirror, a door knob on your dresser or pantry, hanging out next to the mistletoe or anywhere else you need a little holiday cuteness!

Don't want a Christmas themed jellyfish? Have no fear! I can create a custom jellyfish in any color of the rainbow! Just send me a convo in Etsy and let me know what you are looking for!